5 Tips To Consider When Creating a Team to Address Allegations of Misconduct in a Camp or K-12 School.
There are many moving parts to address when a report of misconduct by a staff member or student is made. Preparing yourself in advance with the appropriate internal decision-makers and external advisers is critical to a swift and effective response.
Keep the circle small. News travels fast in small communities. Limiting the number of administrative staff in the know will help manage the spread of information.
Use your internal resources. Consider leveraging the skills of your internal staff, including those with therapeutic backgrounds such as therapists or social workers.
Consider representation. Creating a diverse and experienced team promotes credibility in the process.
Identify experienced external professionals. Forming a partnership with appropriate external professionals is critical to a swift response. To avoid being a step behind, identify your needs (legal, education, communication), and the right partners before an allegation is made.
Tell the community. Communicate to your parent, alumni and employee constituents about your team and the good work you are doing.
Alcalaw offers legal, investigative and consulting services for K-12 schools and camps. Contact us for a consultation.